Vue Bootstrap Table Editor
Vue Table Editor Plugin - Bootstrap 4 & Material Design
Note: We are transitioning MDB4 to a legacy version and focusing on developing MDB5.
While we'll continue to support for the transition period, we encourage you to migrate to
MDB5. We're offering a 50% discount on MDB5 PRO to help with your transition,
enabling you to leverage the full potential of the latest version. You can find more information here.
get 50% discount on MDB5 PRO
Editor with modal
This version of the Editor allows you to add, edit and remove rows by using a modal.
Select a row and click the "Edit" button if you want to make changes in the given row. "Delete" button works the same way.
<div class="container">
<mdb-table-editor :data="data" striped bordered />
import {
} from 'mdb-table-editor'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data() {
return {
data: {
columns: [{
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
sort: 'asc'
label: 'Position',
field: 'position',
sort: 'asc'
label: 'Office',
field: 'office',
sort: 'asc'
label: 'Age',
field: 'age',
sort: 'asc'
label: 'Start date',
field: 'date',
sort: 'asc',
type: 'date'
label: 'Salary',
field: 'salary',
sort: 'asc'
rows: [{
name: 'Tiger Nixon',
position: 'System Architect',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '61',
date: '2011-04-25',
salary: '$320'
name: 'Garrett Winters',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '63',
date: '2011-07-25',
salary: '$170'
name: 'Ashton Cox',
position: 'Junior Technical Author',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '66',
date: '2009-01-12',
salary: '$86'
name: 'Cedric Kelly',
position: 'Senior Javascript Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2012-03-29',
salary: '$433'
name: 'Airi Satou',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '33',
date: '2008-11-28',
salary: '$162'
name: 'Brielle Williamson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'New York',
age: '61',
date: '2012-12-02',
salary: '$372'
name: 'Herrod Chandler',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '59',
date: '2012-08-06',
salary: '$137'
name: 'Rhona Davidson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '55',
date: '2010-10-14',
salary: '$327'
name: 'Colleen Hurst',
position: 'Javascript Developer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '39',
date: '2009-09-15',
salary: '$205'
name: 'Sonya Frost',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '23',
date: '2008-12-13',
salary: '$103'
name: 'Jena Gaines',
position: 'Office Manager',
office: 'London',
age: '30',
date: '2008-12-19',
salary: '$90'
name: 'Quinn Flynn',
position: 'Support Lead',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2013-03-03',
salary: '$342'
name: 'Charde Marshall',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '36',
date: '2008-10-16',
salary: '$470'
name: 'Haley Kennedy',
position: 'Senior Marketing Designer',
office: 'London',
age: '43',
date: '2012-12-18',
salary: '$313'
name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'London',
age: '19',
date: '2010-03-17',
salary: '$385'
name: 'Michael Silva',
position: 'Marketing Designer',
office: 'London',
age: '66',
date: '2012-11-27',
salary: '$198'
name: 'Paul Byrd',
position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)',
office: 'New York',
age: '64',
date: '2010-06-09',
salary: '$725'
name: 'Gloria Little',
position: 'Systems Administrator',
office: 'New York',
age: '59',
date: '2009-04-10',
salary: '$237'
name: 'Bradley Greer',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'London',
age: '41',
date: '2012-10-13',
salary: '$132'
name: 'Dai Rios',
position: 'Personnel Lead',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '35',
date: '2012-09-26',
salary: '$217'
name: 'Jenette Caldwell',
position: 'Development Lead',
office: 'New York',
age: '30',
date: '2011-09-03',
salary: '$345'
name: 'Yuri Berry',
position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)',
office: 'New York',
age: '40',
date: '2009-06-25',
salary: '$675'
name: 'Caesar Vance',
position: 'Pre-Sales Support',
office: 'New York',
age: '21',
date: '2011-12-12',
salary: '$106'
name: 'Doris Wilder',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'Sidney',
age: '23',
date: '2010-09-20',
salary: '$85'
name: 'Angelica Ramos',
position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)',
office: 'London',
age: '47',
date: '2009-10-09',
salary: '$1'
name: 'Gavin Joyce',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '42',
date: '2010-12-22',
salary: '$92'
name: 'Jennifer Chang',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'Singapore',
age: '28',
date: '2010-11-14',
salary: '$357'
name: 'Brenden Wagner',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '28',
date: '2011-06-07',
salary: '$206'
name: 'Fiona Green',
position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '48',
date: '2010-03-11',
salary: '$850'
name: 'Shou Itou',
position: 'Regional Marketing',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '20',
date: '2011-08-14',
salary: '$163'
name: 'Michelle House',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Sidney',
age: '37',
date: '2011-06-02',
salary: '$95'
name: 'Suki Burks',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'London',
age: '53',
date: '2009-10-22',
salary: '$114'
name: 'Prescott Bartlett',
position: 'Technical Author',
office: 'London',
age: '27',
date: '2011-05-07',
salary: '$145'
name: 'Gavin Cortez',
position: 'Team Leader',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '22',
date: '2008-10-26',
salary: '$235'
name: 'Martena Mccray',
position: 'Post-Sales support',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '46',
date: '2011-03-09',
salary: '$324'
name: 'Unity Butler',
position: 'Marketing Designer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '47',
date: '2009-12-09',
salary: '$85'
name: 'Howard Hatfield',
position: 'Office Manager',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '51',
date: '2008-12-16',
salary: '$164'
name: 'Hope Fuentes',
position: 'Secretary',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '41',
date: '2010-02-12',
salary: '$109'
name: 'Vivian Harrell',
position: 'Financial Controller',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '62',
date: '2009-02-14',
salary: '$452'
name: 'Timothy Mooney',
position: 'Office Manager',
office: 'London',
age: '37',
date: '2008-12-11',
salary: '$136'
name: 'Jackson Bradshaw',
position: 'Director',
office: 'New York',
age: '65',
date: '2008-09-26',
salary: '$645'
name: 'Olivia Liang',
position: 'Support Engineer',
office: 'Singapore',
age: '64',
date: '2011-02-03',
salary: '$234'
name: 'Bruno Nash',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'London',
age: '38',
date: '2011-05-03',
salary: '$163'
name: 'Sakura Yamamoto',
position: 'Support Engineer',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '37',
date: '2009-08-19',
salary: '$139'
name: 'Thor Walton',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'New York',
age: '61',
date: '2013-08-11',
salary: '$98'
name: 'Finn Camacho',
position: 'Support Engineer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '47',
date: '2009-07-07',
salary: '$87'
name: 'Serge Baldwin',
position: 'Data Coordinator',
office: 'Singapore',
age: '64',
date: '2012-04-09',
salary: '$138'
name: 'Zenaida Frank',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'New York',
age: '63',
date: '2010-01-04',
salary: '$125'
name: 'Zorita Serrano',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '56',
date: '2012-06-01',
salary: '$115'
name: 'Jennifer Acosta',
position: 'Junior Javascript Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '43',
date: '2013-02-01',
salary: '$75'
name: 'Cara Stevens',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'New York',
age: '46',
date: '2011-12-06',
salary: '$145'
name: 'Hermione Butler',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'London',
age: '47',
date: '2011-03-21',
salary: '$356'
name: 'Lael Greer',
position: 'Systems Administrator',
office: 'London',
age: '21',
date: '2009-02-27',
salary: '$103'
name: 'Jonas Alexander',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '30',
date: '2010-07-14',
salary: '$86'
name: 'Shad Decker',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '51',
date: '2008-11-13',
salary: '$183'
name: 'Michael Bruce',
position: 'Javascript Developer',
office: 'Singapore',
age: '29',
date: '2011-06-27',
salary: '$183'
name: 'Donna Snider',
position: 'Customer Support',
office: 'New York',
age: '27',
date: '2011-01-25',
salary: '$112'
Vue Bootstrap Table Editor comes with the option that allows you to use custom translations for all text in the editor.
<div class="container">
countLabel: 'row selected',
add: 'Add',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
selectLabel: 'Show entries',
searchLabel: 'Search',
prev: 'Previous',
next: 'Next',
addFormLabel: 'Add new form',
addFormBtn: 'Add form',
editFormLabel: 'Edit form',
editFormBtn: 'Edit form',
deleteFormLabel: 'Delete',
deleteFormText: 'Are you sure to delete selected row?',
deleteFormYes: 'Yes',
deleteFormNo: 'No'
MDB Vue Table Editor - API
This plugin requires a purchase.
Buy table editor plugin
Name | Type | Description |
data | Object | Defines table content. |
count | boolean | Shows information about selected item. |
disabled | boolean | Disables adding, editing and removing rows. |
translations | object | Allows to overwrite default plugin translations. See details here. |