Angular Bootstrap Filter
Angular Filter - Bootstrap 4 & Material Design
Note: This documentation is for an older version of Bootstrap (v.4). A
newer version is available for Bootstrap 5. We recommend migrating to the latest version of our product - Material Design for
Bootstrap 5.
Go to docs v.5
The MDB Angular Bootstrap Gallery Filter plugin is an extension that is perfect for introducing visitors to a number of images, which can be freely filtered depending on the category. It's easy to use, setup and customize.
To start working with filter plugin see the "Getting Started" tab on this page.
Basic example
<div class="filter-nav d-flex flex-center">
<button mdbBtn color="success" class="active" [mdbFilter]="''">All</button>
<button mdbBtn color="primary" [mdbFilter]="'nature'">Nature</button>
<button mdbBtn color="primary" [mdbFilter]="'food'">Food</button>
<button mdbBtn color="primary" [mdbFilter]="'architecture'">Architecture</button>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3 my-1" mdbFilter *ngFor="let item of galleryItems">
<mdb-filter-item class="item" [mdbFilterItem]="item.tag"
[animationClass]="['animated', 'zoomIn', 'faster']">
<img [src]="item.imgSrc" alt="image">
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'gallery-filter',
templateUrl: './gallery-filter.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./gallery-filter.component.scss']
export class GalleryFilterComponent {
galleryItems = [
{ tag: 'nature', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'architecture', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'food', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'architecture', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'nature', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'architecture', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'architecture', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'nature', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'food', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'architecture', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'food', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'food', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'food', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'nature', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'architecture', imgSrc: '' },
{ tag: 'nature', imgSrc: '' }
Installation guide
Step 1: Create a new Angular application using the Angular CLI command:
ng new application-name --style=scss --routing=false
Step 2: Download this plugin from your user dashboard
Step 3: Extract the downloaded archive from Step 2 and copy the mdb-filter-{version-number}.tgz
file to your application root directory
Step 4: Install the mdb-filter-{version-number}.tgz
package in your application by executing the below command in the application's terminal:
npm install mdb-filter-{version-number.tgz} --save
For example, the installation command should look like the following: npm install mdb-filter-8.0.0.tgz --save
Step 5: Follow the Quickstart Guide to add MDB Angular Free or MDB Angular Pro (depending on which version you're using) to the application
Step 6: Import the MdbFilterModule
into the app.module.ts
Step 7: Copy the basic example from this site and enjoy your new plugin!
Step 1: Download this plugin from your user dashboard
Step 2: Extract the downloaded archive from Step 1 and copy the mdb-filter-{version-number}.tgz
file to your application root directory
Step 3: Install the mdb-filter-{version-number}.tgz
package in your application by executing the below command in the application's terminal:
npm install mdb-filter-{version-number.tgz} --save
For example, the installation command should look like the following: npm install mdb-filter-8.0.0.tgz --save
Step 4: Follow the Quickstart Guide to add MDB Angular Free or MDB Angular Pro (depending on which version you're using) to the application
Step 5: Import the MdbFilterModule
into the app.module.ts
Step 6: Copy the basic example from this site and enjoy your new plugin!
Angular Filter - API
This plugin requires a purchase.
Buy Filter plugin
Modules used
In order to speed up your application, you can choose to import only the modules you actually need, instead of importing the entire MDB Angular library. Remember that importing the entire library, and immediately afterwards a specific module, is bad practice, and can cause application errors.
import { MdbFilterModule } from 'mdb-filter';
Selector: mdbFilter
Type: MdbFilterDirective
Selector: mdbFilterItem
Type: MdbFilterItemDirective
Selector: mdb-filter-item
Type: MdbFilterItemComponent
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
mdbFilterDirective |
string | ' ' | Used with directive attribute binding to set the tag for filtering. | [mdbFilter]="'nature'" |
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
mdbFilterItem |
string | - | Used with directive attribute binding to set the data-filter-item attribute on the mdb-filter-item component. This input is necessary. |
[mdbFilterItem]="item.tag" |
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
animationClass |
string | 'animated zoomIn faster' | Used to set the MDB Animation on the filter items. Set to empty string if you want to turn off animations. | [animationClass]="['animated', 'zoomIn', 'faster']" |